Menopause care Millville, NJ

Understanding Menopause

Menopause is a natural transition that all women go through, marking the end of menstrual cycles and fertility. The years leading up to menopause are called perimenopause, when hormone levels become irregular but periods may still occur.

The average age for menopause is 51, but it can happen anywhere from 40-55 years old. Every woman's experience is different. As estrogen levels decline, it leads to symptoms like:

These unpleasant symptoms disrupt quality of life. Hormone therapy can provide relief by replacing depleted hormones. But lifestyle changes related to diet, exercise, and stress reduction also play an important role.

At Renewal Hormone Clinic in Millville, our menopause specialists offer comprehensive care to help women transition through "the change" smoothly. We provide cutting-edge hormone therapy along with holistic support tailored to your unique needs.

Assessing Hormone Levels

The foundation of our menopause treatment is carefully assessing your hormone levels through blood and saliva testing. Estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, thyroid, cortisol, and other hormones all need to be in balance.

Imbalances cause symptoms and pose long-term health risks like osteoporosis and heart disease. That's why we thoroughly evaluate your hormones to create a personalized treatment plan. We retest levels regularly to ensure optimal results.

Our state-of-the-art lab uses the most advanced testing available. We can even provide genetic testing to predict your risk factors and customize prevention strategies.

Our services

Take control of your menopause symptoms today!

Bioidentical Hormone Therapy

Once we've assessed your hormone levels, Renewal Hormone Clinic can prescribe bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) to get your levels back into balance.

Bioidentical hormones have the same molecular structure as the hormones your body produces naturally. They are sourced from plant estrogens and customized to match your needs through compounding.

BHRT is the most natural way to supplement depleted hormones. The benefits include:

We offer BHRT in a variety of formulations like pills, patches, topical creams, vaginal suppositories, and pellet implants. This allows us to target relief where you need it most.

Estrogen Replacement

Falling estrogen levels are the main cause of menopause symptoms. Estrogen therapy can provide immense relief by restoring this vital hormone.

When prescribed at the right dose, estrogen protects heart health, brain function, and bone density. It also alleviates hot flashes, vaginal dryness, urinary issues, and emotional changes.

But not all estrogens are created equal. We use the highest quality bioidentical estradiol customized to your needs. There are also selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERMs) like tamoxifen that provide tissue-specific estrogen effects without increasing cancer risks.

Progesterone Replacement

Progesterone works hand in hand with estrogen to regulate the menstrual cycle during reproductive years. Progesterone therapy can provide stability when levels drop off during perimenopause and menopause.

Adding bioidentical progesterone promotes breast health, stabilizes moods, aids sleep, and protects the uterus from estrogen exposure. We often prescribe combination estrogen/progesterone therapy for optimal hormonal balance.

The type of progesterone matters too. We use the identical human micronized progesterone your body recognizes and responds to best. Synthetic progestins found in birth control pills can create additional imbalances.

Testosterone Replacement

Testosterone is fundamental to health and vitality for both men and women. When testosterone levels decline, it can impair:

Low testosterone aggravates menopause symptoms. Replacing depleted testosterone through bioidentical supplementation can restore optimal function.

We customize testosterone therapy based on your lab testing and needs. Delivery methods include pills, topical gels/creams, pellets, and injections. Dosing is carefully titrated to achieve healthy levels, not exceed them.

Lifestyle Strategies for Menopause

Hormone therapy forms the cornerstone of our menopause treatment plans at Renewal Hormone Clinic. But we also provide lifestyle guidance to help you thrive through this transition.

A holistic approach works with your body's natural rhythms to promote health during menopause and beyond. We offer evidence-based strategies related to:


Eating a healthy, balanced diet low in sugar and high in phytoestrogens can ease uncomfortable menopause symptoms. We provide personalized nutritional counseling to meet your needs, improve health, and complement hormone therapy.

Key diet strategies include:

Improving your nutrition has benefits beyond relieving hot flashes and night sweats too. It can:


Exercise is a natural way to balance hormones and manage symptoms. It also protects against heart disease, diabetes, and osteoporosis.

We offer custom fitness guidance to help you discover enjoyable activities that complement your treatment plan, including:

The key is finding sustainable activities you enjoy. Millville offers wonderful recreational opportunities to explore like:

We want to help you establish an active lifestyle to thrive through menopause and beyond. Movement and recreation are keys to health as we age.

Stress Management

Managing stress is vital during menopause, where hormonal fluctuations tax the body and mind. We offer stress-busting strategies like:

Millville has wonderful practitioners and wellness centers offering therapeutic massage, acupuncture, meditation classes, counselors, and support groups. We refer patients to complementary providers to address mind/body health from every angle.

Relieving stress helps regulate hormones related to sleep, weight, reproduction, and more that go haywire during perimenopause and menopause. It provides the foundation needed for hormone therapy to work its best magic.

Interesting fact

Many women going through menopause find that practicing yoga helps ease uncomfortable symptoms. Studies show yoga helps improve sleep, mood, and hot flashes by reducing stress and promoting relaxation. Gentle yoga poses also strengthen bones that become vulnerable during this transition.

Renewal Hormone Clinic Menopause Clinic

We founded the Renewal Hormone Clinic Wellness Center in Millville to support women through menopause with comprehensive, integrative care. Our founder Dr. Jane Smith is a national leader and menopause specialist passionate about helping women thrive during this chapter.

Dr. Smith oversees every aspect of your care personally along with our exceptional staff of nurses and clinicians. We take time to listen and address all your questions and concerns. Patient education and empowerment drive everything we do.

We offer a warm, supportive environment where you can access the latest medical therapies complemented by holistic healing. Our integrative approach addresses mind, body and spirit for optimal wellbeing.

State-of-the-art lab testing, nutrigenomics, dietary plans, fitness coaching, counseling, educational seminars and support groups allow us to create fully customized treatment strategies. We also partner with the community's most cutting edge healers in bodywork, life coaching, spiritual guidance, and more.

Our Promise: No matter what stage of menopause you're in, we will meet you where you are and help guide you through the process with compassion. We want to make this next phase of your life the best one yet.

We look forward to helping you thrive!

Take control of your menopause symptoms today!

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